Connect and Co-operation with potential partners:
* Provide horse riding training courses.
* Training personnel to care for and tame horses
* Managing, operating and developing the model of a small and medium equestrian club in Vietnam
* Franchise and exploit the Thanh Giong Horse Club model.
Contact: Dinh Ngoc Cuong (Mr)
Cellphone: 0946 414 486
Training Courses
Basic equestrian training course (TG1941)
Horseback riding is a very healthy sport. Riding a horse is a really interesting and unforgettable experience. What could ever be more wonderful than when you leisurely sit on horseback, roaming the streets,...
Advanced equestrian training course (TG1942)
After the basic course, you have been taught the basic techniques to control horses over 1.5m high, but your ability does not stop there. At this point, you will find yourself needing to make a further...
Horse riding training course on demand (TG1943)
The course is designed for students and members who have studied through the basic courses and students who want to improve their skills in conquering horses in recreational activities and sports training....